Alcohol is known to produce many chronic abnormalities that are attributable to parietal lobe dysfunction. The self becomes aware of the body being a distant object but it feels a strange attachment feeling (Miller et al, 1991). Considerable laboratory research indicates that different levels of alcohol consumption contributes to overall behavioural and cognitive functions and therefore the reason for carrying out this study is to test the effects of alcohol on human coordination. According to Allum et al (1998) Alcohol effects information received by brain receptors causing the working ones to compensate for the defective information processed by unstable receptors. Therefore the aim of this experiment is to examine the effects of alcohol on human coordination through an online coordination game.
Method has been copied from the Environmental Biology Practical Manual (Bowen et al, 2012) with the alterations of: waiting 30 minutes before retrying the coordination exercise after consuming a beverage, replicating baseline tests and final test twice each and having the mean taken from both will give a more accurate result.
To replicate this experiment, three test subjects will be needed to participate in the control (grape juice drinkers) and experimental (wine drinkers) sections. The point of having a control group is to compare the results of the wine drinkers to see how they perform under the influence of alcohol compared to performing sober. Genders should be chosen at random although females and males may have differing results due to their alcohol tolerance, body weight and age. Subjects must not consume any alcohol before this experiment. To replicate the experiment completely, one must purchase Yalumba Classic Fruity Wine- Vintage 2011 (11% alcohol) and Fronti Grape Juice (12% sugar) and must download the Klabutung application to test coordination which
References: Allum. JH, (1998). “ Interaction between vestibular and proprioceptive inputs triggering and modulating human balance-correcting responses differ across muscles”. Exp Brain Res 121: 478-494. Bowen. B, Calver. M, Chambers. J, Paling. E. (2012). “Environmental Biology Practical Manual and Notes for Biological Sciences” Western Australia: Murdoch University. Miller. N.S, Gold. M.S,(1991). “Neurological Effects of Alcohol”. Alcohol Plenum Medical Book Co., New York, 35-45. Patel. M, Modig. F, Magnusson. M, Fransson. P. (2010). “Alcohol intoxication and 0.06 and 0.10% blood alcohol concentration changes segmental body movement coordination”. Experimental Brain Research 202 (2): 431-443.