The purpose of this comparison is to help prospective laptop purchasers in their decision. In today 's mobile climate, the average person can make good use of a reliable portable computer; this report is designed to help in that search. Of the many perspective computers, only several brands have been selected for this comparison. Those that have been selected are Pentium computers that boast the new MMX technology. MMX technology lends itself to portable computers because of the added internal processor cache, graphics acceleration, and lower power usage. The first two features add to the speed of the machine and the last to the travelling lifetime.
This report will compare laptop computers on the basis of the following: (1) features, (2) performance in hardware tests, and (3) price.
Options for Laptop Computers
Of the many laptops available, some equipped with MMX, only four specific computers were chosen. These computers are equipped with MMX processors and stood out among other MMX computers for their performance as well as their value. Those chosen for this comparison are the Compaq Presario 1080, the Dell Latitude LM M166ST, the Gateway 2000 Solo 2200 166MMX, and the Micron Transport XPE P166. These computers all have Pentium 166 processors with a variety of other features that will be discussed in the following.
Points of Comparison
The industry of computers is an ever growing and continually more competitive market. Many computer manufactures are emerging with well made, reliable systems that make a valid argument for themselves. Several of these computers are discussed below.
Features. Many different features are available on today 's computer, but only the standard, essential features will be discussed here. These features are grouped into subheadings below for ease of use. * Memory: Each computer has a processor speed of 166 MHz. The Compaq has the least amount of standard memory with 16 MB, with a maximum
Bibliography: 2. Berry, Richard. Build Your Own Telescope. Richmond, VA: Willmann-Bell, 1994. 3 4. Berry, R. "Telescope-Making Revolution." Astronomy (August, 1998), 105-109. 5