Activity 1
Data Management can be defined as the ‘administrative process by which the required data is acquired, validated, stored, protected, and processed, and by which its accessibility, reliability, and timeliness is ensured to satisfy the needs of the data users’. The collection of data is vital within any HR department in any organisation and can help to keep them competitive and provide a fair service to their employee’s.
Data obtained is ultimately used to make effective, meaningful decisions, to efficiently manage, maintain and run an organisation. Data allows for decisions to be based on fact rather than guesswork. Data is collected to ensure all compliance and operational factors are met, to aid in reviewing and monitoring sickness absence, to help accurately determine levels of work performance, evidence in disciplinary meetings, assists with the recruitment selection process and to satisfy all legal requirements put in place for all organisations. In order for data to be managed effectively, it is vital that the data received is relevant, accurate and up to date. Organisations have been known to draw up a Privacy Policy which details the information held about employee’s, where this information is stored and what this information is used for.
Organisations take pride in building themselves through man power, acquiring the most suitable talent for vacant roles. Recruitment teams within HR departments rely heavily on data collected from candidates CV’s and application forms, to help them make an informed decision about whether candidates are suitable for particular roles. This in turn plays a key role in achieving organisational goals. Without this data being obtained, organisations run the risk of 1) placing unqualified candidates in positions they are not suitable for, 2) waste time and money running through the motions candidates who are not suitable for a role and 3) going