At the strategic level it may involve the development of an employer brand which includes an 'employee offering'.
Depending on the size and culture of the organization recruitment may be undertaken in-house by managers, human resource generalists and / or recruitment specialists. Alternatively parts of all of the process might be undertaken by either public sector employment agencies, or commercial recruitment agencies, or specialist search consultancies.
Recruitment Process: 1. Job Analysis: a. Job Description b. Job Specification c. Person Specification: person specification is used to match the right person for the right job at the right time of business needs. The specification, by and large, should specify the person's: i) skills on the job ii) knowledge of and for the job iii) length of experience for the job iv) attitude for the job
2. Sourcing:
Candidate sourcing activity typically ends once the name, job title, job function and contact information for the potential candidate is determined by the candidate source. To further develop a list of names that were sourced some companies have a second person then reach out to the names on the list to initiate a dialogue with them with the intention of pre-screening the candidate against the job requirements and gauging the interest level in hearing about new job opportunities. This activity is called "candidate profiling" or "candidate pre-screening". The term candidate sourcing should not be confused with candidate research. i) Primary Sourcing ii) Secondary Sourcing
* Natural Habitat * Internet Researching * Telephone Sourcing * Diversity Sourcing * Acquisourcing: acquire whole workforces by purchasing a company just to acquire that company's workforce. 3. Screening and Selection: a) Resumes b) Job applications c) Interviews * Performance Assessments * Psychological Attitude * Numeracy and