Week Four The Referrral Process
Brandon Wright J.
Grand Canyon University
In this essay made up of seven hundred to one thousand words, I will describe and tell how PBIS and RTI are used in the pre-feral process for special education. On this essay I will use two references and I will prepare the assignment according to the APA guidelines. What are PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports. Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports provides the same services as the RTI, but the focus tends to be on solely, behavior.(Gargiulo,2012) Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports also, is in each and every school across the nation. PBIS allow for an intervention to happen …show more content…
before things get out of control as far as problematic behavior is concerned. This is a good thing because you would want to have PBIS in order to prevent some types of behavior from forming to their worse and being stopped or prevented from developing further, to extreme and unmanageable levels.
PBIS are also, the main focus amongst faculty in which they have certain expectations as far as behavior is concerned going in the right direction and leading into the beginning of the year and throughout the school day. Also, PBIS main goal is for positive behavior to be reinforced. PBIS are also, helpful while constructing a positive behavior support plan. In this particular plan one would set: procedures, positive consequences, rewards, continuum of negative consequences, behavior crisis plan and a medical crisis plan. (http://www.pbis.org/common/pbisresources/presentations/B8_Newcomer.pdf) The next thing which makes PBIS special would be its ability in order to help students cope with things with special social skills teaching which five to fifteen percent of kids are placed in this category. Once PBIS are installed and they tend to become familiarized throughout the classroom or school, more routines can be incorporated in addition to more challenging work. This also helps the teachers feel more confident in their teaching and therefore can teach effectively in order to improve their students’ performance. When the student or students get well adapted and the teacher feels …show more content…
comfortable and adds more things to do in regards of behavior you still want to keep the rules to a set minimum and make sure its age appropriate and you always want to be able to reinforce the behaviors or rules you have set and have positive expectations and be consistent with all of your procedures. At all times you want to be able to explain what is acceptable and your logicalness behind it. You also need to consider weak areas which are not easily obtainable and set a plan in motion to make those weak areas obtainable. Once things and goals are obtainable you need to have a reward system available (positive reinforcement) for the behavior that is desired.
What are RTI?
RTI stands for response to intervention and this is a process which schools can have readily available to help children who are not doing well in school. RTI’s are also, set for students who are struggling behaviorally in addition to those who are struggling academically. RTI and PTIS provide for early intervention and they minimize traditional methods that have special needs in special education. Gargiulo,R.(2012) RTI are used in researched based interventions for kids who can’t keep up with mandated state and grade level curriculum, required to in order to move on to the next grade. The RTI system is a system based on three, tiers. The RTI system is a new and innovative development as far as education is concerned, thus, enhancing and reducing the needs for special education services. During the first tier. The kids or students are provided teaching on the various learning strategies. The second tier is all about small groups and the problem areas are concentrated on and administered to by the instructor and monitored every two months. During the third and final tier progression is evaluated twice a month to see if things are going well
effectively. The purpose of RTI in special education is to effectively teach all children and show that they are capable of learning. All, tiers are supposed to be provided as supplements and not intended to serve as replacements for the regular education standards therefore leaving tier three for Special Education.( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Response_to_intervention) For the RTI AND PTIS the common reasoning behind them in the preferable process is the sole intenetion to find ways on either eliminating unwanted behavior or help with struggling students achieve high success and become productive.
In this essay made up of seven hundred to one thousand words, I have described and told how PBIS and RTI are used in the pre-feral process for special education. On this essay I used two references and I prepared the assignment according to the APA guidelines to the best of my abilities.
Gargiulo,R.(2012) Special education in contemporary society: An introduction to exceptionality. (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA; SAGE Publication, Inc. http://www.pbis.org/common/pbisresources/presentations/B8_Newcomer.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Response_to_intervention