Uncovering the Stories of Brands
Reflective Log (20%)
Each student needs to submit a Reflective Log as part of his or her assessed coursework (see assessed coursework instruction sheet).
In this Reflective Log you should record and reflect upon your reading, class and group work experiences. Entries in this log will help you to identify the knowledge and skills that you have developed during the course. It will also show you where you need to develop further.
You should complete a copy of the template below after each class session/ each week and/or after each meeting of your Stories of Brands project group. You may even want to complete a copy of the template when you have read something that you have found particularly useful and influential1. (a word document version of the reflective log template is available on Moodle). Each time you complete a copy of the template, only fill out those sections that are relevant to the particular experience you are reflecting on.
In the final week of the course you will need to submit a combined set of copies of your reflective log in a bind-format (ring binding or perfect binding is acceptable).
The deadline for submission is 11:30am on Wednesday 23 April 2014.
The submitted log will comprise:
• A title page (labeled with your name, student ID, title of the work, course title, name of the course lecturer, required submission date)
• A content page sheet (how the sections are organized and the page no of each log)
A summary sheet for reflective log(see template)
• Copies of all completed reflective logs (see template): e.g log 1, log 2, log 3…
There is no overall limit to the length of your log but it is suggested normally around 40 single-sided pages. Format: Times/ times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.0 line spacing. Photos or pictures are welcome but they are not counted as word pages and it is recommended to put pictures or images under Appendices (see Appendix 1, 2, 3, 4…)