One of my favorite and most enjoyable part of the clinical experience was being part of the influenza clinics. By the end of the clinical experience, I could immunize both adults and children. In the end, I administered approximately 170 intramuscular injections for influenza clinics. I found myself becoming more comfortable with landmarking the deltoid muscle. The one of the difficult part of the landmarking of older adults who are experiencing …show more content…
I was able to vaccinate a 20-month-old, 6-month-old, 2-month-old, 12-month-old, and three 4-month-old. One of my least favorite part immunizing children were making them cry when administering the vaccines. The one different that I found between a baby’s skin and an adult’s skin was the babies’ skin felt like butter when inserting the needle into the Vastus lateralis. The most challenging part of the child health clinic I still found difficult was providing informed consent at the two month visits. In one specific visit, I was providing informed consent to second time parents who brought in a toddler in the room, the baby started to cry, and the father started to ask lots of questions. This was very overwhelming for myself so I stopped talking to let the mother, who was listening to me, calm the baby. After the baby was calm and settled, I was able to carry on the informed consent and attempting to answer the parents’