I had the privilege of sitting in an Al-Anon group session, which I would describe as a Therapeutic group. The definition under “key terms” states, “increasing knowledge of themselves” and changes they want to make in their lives.” Group interactions were interesting. This particular meeting was called a “newcomers” meeting which added another touch. I arrived early so I was able to observe the setting up, which was a valuable experience. The atmosphere of this meeting was warm, friendly, nonthreatening, and accommodating, even to the point that lighting was brought up. Members who knew each other were like a family sub-unit, impressive. As with any group, the newcomers were obvious, me included. The chairs in the room were arranged in a circle, conversely, there were chairs on the wall. Two newcomers sat in chairs on the wall and another newcomer and I sat in the circle. We were given a book, complimentary, about Al-Alon and the twelve steps. Everyone stated their name before they talked and were told “thank you” by all members when the speaker finished. One gentleman thought he went …show more content…
To sit in front of people, some strangers and to reveal so much of yourself and whole heartedly trust. Al-Anon is not just about coping with a loved one who has an alcohol or drug addition, it’s so much more. It is about self-discovery, strength, taking control of one’s life because we are powerless over others. I was amazed how the group session went without a “leader” and how everyone shared in the readings and conversation. Although Al-Anon is more complex and I only went one time, I found it to be a truly emotional experience. A member quoted said, “I did not cause it, I can not cure it, and I can’t control it.” Strong phrase that will stick with me. (personal communication,