The result that they received was that only 33% expressed an interest in majoring in music or music education. They all share a certain interest in Music but had different views relating to it. Several areas were identified as items needed to be changed to make the music education profession more attractive. These were identified as ‘More money/higher salary’, ‘Better Students’, and ‘Better job security/More career options/opportunities’. The article explains the interests of public school music students between art’s focused schools and their interest in the music education profession. This is somewhat similar to my research and that is one of the reason why I chose this particular article. It also gives me an idea of how to create my own survey and prepare interview questions later on.
Reasons that were given for not choosing music or music education as a possible major included ‘Music is more of a hobby/Just for fun’, (15.4%); ‘More interested in (something else)’, (12.6%); and ‘Not enough money’, (4.7%). This made me realize that not only the personal, educational, environmental and musical background affects the way a person thinks, it also depends on the opinion of the person about the subject. In my situation, the student’s view on Music whether it is as a career to pursue or just a hobby, depends on their opinionand reasons. With more observations made on my community or group of study in my ethnographic fieldwork, I will be able to make my conclusion or