The movie was quite not new to me since I’ve watched it several times when I was still in high school during our overnight. But I must admit that the impact of this movie to me has never changed from the moment that I personally have watched it. It was a very realistic movie that touched my heart all over again. Indeed, when we are young we really are curious about things and would actually see for ourselves on something. Mr. Keating, the teacher encourages his students to take chances and think outside the box. He is an ideal teacher to me because his purpose of being a teacher is not just to teach them the concepts but to teach them something that could be use for their future. He inspires his students to explore new things for it is indeed in doing so that you get to explore yourself and know your capacities & limitations. Mr. Keating reminds me a lot of my math teacher way back in high school. He is also a very comic but a strict man. Since, I am really poor in math I really refused studying the subject. But when I met this teacher, my outlook towards the subject has changed. He made me realize that if you want to achieve something, you have to do everything that you can so that at the end even if you succeed or fail, you can proudly say that you did your best despite of and you’ll have no regrets. Also, he made me realize that grades are really not what matters most but what you have learned. We have to do our best in every thing that we do all for God’s greater glory. The movie is very suitable for us, teenagers since we are in the stage in finding out who we really are, what we really want and who we want to be. The movie encourages us to be the students who aren’t afraid of taking risks but at the same time with every action that we do we are responsible for it. Comes with the great power to choose for ourselves is also the great responsibility to act accordingly for the betterment of the
The movie was quite not new to me since I’ve watched it several times when I was still in high school during our overnight. But I must admit that the impact of this movie to me has never changed from the moment that I personally have watched it. It was a very realistic movie that touched my heart all over again. Indeed, when we are young we really are curious about things and would actually see for ourselves on something. Mr. Keating, the teacher encourages his students to take chances and think outside the box. He is an ideal teacher to me because his purpose of being a teacher is not just to teach them the concepts but to teach them something that could be use for their future. He inspires his students to explore new things for it is indeed in doing so that you get to explore yourself and know your capacities & limitations. Mr. Keating reminds me a lot of my math teacher way back in high school. He is also a very comic but a strict man. Since, I am really poor in math I really refused studying the subject. But when I met this teacher, my outlook towards the subject has changed. He made me realize that if you want to achieve something, you have to do everything that you can so that at the end even if you succeed or fail, you can proudly say that you did your best despite of and you’ll have no regrets. Also, he made me realize that grades are really not what matters most but what you have learned. We have to do our best in every thing that we do all for God’s greater glory. The movie is very suitable for us, teenagers since we are in the stage in finding out who we really are, what we really want and who we want to be. The movie encourages us to be the students who aren’t afraid of taking risks but at the same time with every action that we do we are responsible for it. Comes with the great power to choose for ourselves is also the great responsibility to act accordingly for the betterment of the