
Reflection On Make America Great Again

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Reflection On Make America Great Again
In the current political environment, the question “What does it mean to be an American?” is one that provoked deep reflection. And while some are vowing to “Make America Great Again,” I think there are numerous qualities that already make America great and make me proud to be an American, as well. Early on, our founding fathers suggested through the Constitution that, at its core, what it meant to be an American was simply “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” That’s a fairly simplistic notion, and it is interesting to examine whether this literal interpretation still applies in today’s more complex society or whether being an American requires more than that.
When thinking about what I cherish most, I determined that it may differ
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But as I reflect on this and parallel it with something as iconic as the “Statue of Liberty,” the words “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” come to mind, and I believe the value of diversity is something that was meant to be embraced, rather than opposed. In contemporary society, there is a lot of discussion surrounding immigration. While I support keeping our borders safe, I think true Americanism, as defined by our forefathers, means being open to diversity and the good that can come from understanding other cultures and traditions. We have all heard the phrase “living the American Dream” and it seems those that chose that path, oftentimes with great sacrifice and personal risk, should be afforded an opportunity to continue that …show more content…
Many have tried to capture this ideal in song, from the traditional “America the Beautiful” to the more contemporary “God Bless the USA”, and the verses of these hymns stir our inner-patriotism by connecting us with the breathtaking landscape we all have the freedom to enjoy. I have not yet been able to see everything our great country has to offer, but I have travelled coast to coast, all across the great heartland in between, including the breathtaking Grand Canyon, the beautiful Rocky Mountains, and the rolling cornfields of my home state, Iowa. It is often easy to take this for granted, but enjoying the scenic beauty of our many parks and lakes in Minnesota reminds me every day that part of being an American is the opportunity to live freely in our wonderful

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