Goal setting is not something I do naturally. However, I’ve adopted it to help manage a Dermatology practice. It helped provide me with a sense of direction, peace of mind, and a much needed decrease in stress. Setting goals have kept me focused on achieving what I set out for in my profession, and will definitely benefit me as a student. Accomplishing my goals will rely on, creating an action plan, having a strong support system, and setting time frames for success benchmarks.…
Radar, L.A. (2005, Jan/Feb). Goal setting for students and teachers. Clearing House, 78(3), 123-126. Retrieved from EBSCOhost database.…
Goals should be set, with targets along the way to reach the agreed goals. This ensures a sense of achievement all along the way, giving direction to where the learners want to be. Moving forward with the learning, broken down into:…
GOAL SETTING: Every successful person whether that be an artist, sports person or leader has set goals which have driven and directed their efforts in their quest to be the best they can be. Goal setting is an extremely powerful technique for enhancing performance so it is one of the most important strategies you can implement for success in any environment. Goal setting helps to focus attention and it is critical to maintain and enhance motivation. Goal setting gives direction both in the short term and the long term and you can see success as you achieve your short term goals. This increases your confidence as you are being success and achieving.…
Goals can be personal or professional, long-term or short-term, but they help us track our course and stay on target for our future endeavors. Securing the image you see for your future requires straightforward ideas, dedication, and a passion to carry you through to the end. A goal is an end to which you direct your efforts. (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits, 2011, “Glossary”). The objectives desired by each individual acts as a compass, guiding each of us to ultimately build upon our blue print for life.…
In life, to successfully move forward I need to establish goals. “The tragedy in life is not reaching your goal, but having no goal to reach” (Leadership for Student Activities, 2005). I must have a plan of how I will achieve my goals and be able to identify when an important element of that goal is reached. Possible setbacks must be considered and purposeful schemes arranged for when the unexpected shows up. According to Deci and Ryan (1984), “Goals, whether trivial, routine, significant or life altering, are part of peoples everyday lives”.…
Goals settings are targets that an individual aspires to achieve and can be short or long term, and behaviour or performance oriented. Setting goals allows an athlete's progress to be planned and monitored over a period of time. Goal setting also increases motivation and commitment levels providing the athlete with a clear direction. Goals need to be realistic and achievable to be effective. Goals may…
<I’ve learned so much during this course and have truly grown as a person. I have never really been too open minded. I kind of stick to what I believe and no one can tell me otherwise. My grandma is really the only other person I really believe could tell me something and I would consider what she was saying as being correct. She influenced so much in my life. A lot of my decisions and choices I thought of her first or I would call and ask for her input. Without any extra questions or searching for other possible answers I would believe her almost instantly and go with what she said. During these few weeks I have learned to investigate all possibilities before making a decision so I can make the best one. My pride and my stubbornness also kept me from using critical thinking. Instead of taking the time to really analyze a problem and pick the best way to fix it I just did what I felt was the thing to do. During my time in this course I was taught the necessary steps to take in order to properly solve issues. I plan on utilizing everything I have learned for not only the rest of my academic time with the university of Phoenix , but for the rest of my life in and out of school or work.…
The essential information, skills, tools, and techniques necessary for academic success and personal effectiveness at University of Phoenix are introduced in this course. The course develops and applies practical knowledge and skills immediately relevant to first-year university students. Course topics include goal setting and working with personal motivation, understanding and using university resources, developing efficient study habits, making the most of personal learning styles, and how best to manage time and reduce personal stress levels.…
The goal setting has helped me by giving me a time line to stick to and the organization I need in order to succeed to my goals. With the goal setting tool I’m able to see where I am also at in my time line to see how far I am to my goal that I have set for myself. If I stick to the goals I have set for myself there is no way I will fail in my success to higher education.…
For some it takes till they’re forty years old to find their bliss and for others it comes naturally. For me, I think I was placed in the middle. I wasn’t exactly sure where I was going, but I knew I wanted to get somewhere. Not so exactly as “confused” and “lost”. More of just standing in front of a two-way street and not sure which way to turn and which would be the best direction for me. Taking Life Career Planning as a course was one giant leap that helped me discover myself and what I want to pursue. Throughout this semester I discovered myself in a deep personal level I didn’t even know existed in me. My meaning in life, my self-esteem, and what I value most in life. In the end I think I’ve accomplished a lot through this course.…
1. What steps does your textbook’s author recommend for achieving your short term goals? The textbook’s author recommends achieving short term goals should have two steps. First identify your short term goals, decide each goals importance at this current time, then pick the goal that is most crucial to achieve at this time. Secondly, list all the necessary steps it will take to achieve this goal, then determine how much time will be needed, plan a schedule and implement your goal.…
With living costs as high as they are in this day and age, it is completely unreasonable to expect the average individual to squander already limited resources. Receiving a bachelor's degree today requires an assortment of classes that often are not directly related to one's career objectives. For some, they find this to be an enjoyable adventure, broadening their knowledge and learning about new aspects of life, but for others this is just burdensome. However it is looked upon, the college curriculum still requires a diverse selection of courses to develop well rounded, responsible individuals, but in turn creates added pressure upon students.…
From a young age it became clear to me that a career in healthcare was the right choice for me. Growing up with a mother who worked both in nurse administration and in healthcare reform, and who’s many friends were all involved in health care, I was emerged in healthcare and the many different careers that someone can chose to pursue. Being given the opportunity to see so many healthcare professionals and see what goes into their day to day lives was something I took for granted prior to taking this class and seeing what it takes to get into their chosen fields and how much work is done prior to being considered a professional in that field. This class has shown me all the preparation and intelligence it takes to go into many of the healthcare fields I have considered going into.…
This is a course reflection giving me the opportunity to look back on what this course has offered me as new learning, writing, and communicating skills. In addition, to building on the knowledge I already hold and different ways to utilize it.…