For my cultural activities I first had a “fiesta” at my house, where I tried to make authentic food and drinks and introduce some of my friends to foods I love, but had never cooked before. Next I downloaded a few apps for my phone that allowed me to practice the Spanish that I was learning in class and also teach me some new words and phrases. I also used a flashcard app to play with my son and try to help him learn Spanish too. The next activity I did was to go see a Puerto Rican band from Milwaukee called “De la Buena”. I really enjoyed that experience and so did my son. He was so funny dancing around and clapping when they were done. Two of our neighbors are in the band so I think he really liked being able to see people he knows on the stage. Finally, and I didn’t write a review of this because I just did it Saturday, I went to an art festival in Sheboygan with my family and we got to see another band called “MadiSalsa”. That was really fun. Afterward we went to a Mexican restaurant and while I am not sure if it was really authentic, it had some really good food and me and my son got to show off our Spanish skills with the waitress. She was very kind to both of us Out of all of my activities the one(s) I liked the best was seeing the two bands play. First of all the music was like none I had ever really heard before. The only music from the Latin American culture I have heard is mariachi, or whatever regaeton (I don’t know how to spell it and apparently neither does Microsoft.) But I have never heard the type of music they do with the drums and the horns and everything. It’s incredible really. I also loved that MadiSalsa does music from Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican republic, and they let you know when they are switching gears so-to-speak, so that meant I got to kind of compare. And while they all sounded alike to me, I was able to pick out differences. The other thing that I noticed that I spoke a bit about after I saw De La
For my cultural activities I first had a “fiesta” at my house, where I tried to make authentic food and drinks and introduce some of my friends to foods I love, but had never cooked before. Next I downloaded a few apps for my phone that allowed me to practice the Spanish that I was learning in class and also teach me some new words and phrases. I also used a flashcard app to play with my son and try to help him learn Spanish too. The next activity I did was to go see a Puerto Rican band from Milwaukee called “De la Buena”. I really enjoyed that experience and so did my son. He was so funny dancing around and clapping when they were done. Two of our neighbors are in the band so I think he really liked being able to see people he knows on the stage. Finally, and I didn’t write a review of this because I just did it Saturday, I went to an art festival in Sheboygan with my family and we got to see another band called “MadiSalsa”. That was really fun. Afterward we went to a Mexican restaurant and while I am not sure if it was really authentic, it had some really good food and me and my son got to show off our Spanish skills with the waitress. She was very kind to both of us Out of all of my activities the one(s) I liked the best was seeing the two bands play. First of all the music was like none I had ever really heard before. The only music from the Latin American culture I have heard is mariachi, or whatever regaeton (I don’t know how to spell it and apparently neither does Microsoft.) But I have never heard the type of music they do with the drums and the horns and everything. It’s incredible really. I also loved that MadiSalsa does music from Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican republic, and they let you know when they are switching gears so-to-speak, so that meant I got to kind of compare. And while they all sounded alike to me, I was able to pick out differences. The other thing that I noticed that I spoke a bit about after I saw De La