When this project was assigned to me, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Just six weeks ago, the words “nonfiction” created an image of boredom in my mind. I didn’t realize how many great pieces of nonfiction literature there were, and how much would enjoy it. Not only did I read many great pieces of writing, but I also learned a lot about myself as a person and a reader. In future years, this project should definitely be assigned to honors freshmen. One reason this project should be assigned to freshmen in the future is to enjoy independent reading again. School work and sports take up so much of my free time, that I rarely ever have time to relax and free read. If I have any free time during the school week, it’s usually for small windows of time, and I usually head straight towards my smart phone or Macbook. This project allows you to enjoy reading interesting articles and stories, and lets you make better use of your free time. Reading is a pleasure of mine, and without this project, I would’ve never been given the opportunity to enjoy reading during this stressful time. Students should all be able to read when they want to, and although homework takes that away, it’s important that teachers build in some structured time to do so. Another reason why this project should be assigned in the future, is that it teaches you a lot of new, interesting things. The beauty of this assignment is that you can choose to
read whatever in the world you’d like. I partially used this project as an opportunity to read about interesting things I wouldn’t read about otherwise. In typical freshmen courses, you learn the structured curriculum each class teaches you. These classes include math, biology or physical science, english, history, and a world language. Let’s say that someone wanted to learn information that these classes didn’t cover, such as what culture in foreign