I read all the statements so that I could help support the students to deal with the conflict themselves
I spoke to all the students individually to see if they would be prepared to do a group discussion with me sat in with them.
I explained how it should work. All the girls sat in a circle, I was to start holding a stress ball and while I spoke no one else was allowed to speak . I said my name then passed the ball to my left then that student says my name and their own, the next student then says the previous names and adds their own until the last person says everyone’s name.(it’s just a quick exercise to get everyone listening to each other, the ball comes back to me I then pass it to the student who felt bullied to talk to the other girls and say how she felt and how they made her feel. The ball then was passed around the group, we had few tears from everyone but because they never stopped and realised what they were doing to their friend. They all apologised and made friends