I then made character cards so you can pick the character the other person is trying to guess. I then made a character information sheet and instructions. This is how I made guess who and connected it to “can’t get there from here.”
Throughout the semester I read a lot of books I enjoyed. There was one book that stuck with me “can’t get there from here.” I chose to create a board game related to this book because I liked the book. I think young adolescents should read novels like “can’t get there from here” because there’s a message to the story and examples of how choices can change your life. One aspect of the narrative that inspired me was the struggles and abuse the kids received from their parents and family. Most of the kids leave because they are being raped and molested. The book “can’t get there from here” connects to “Speak” because it both books someone is getting raped and taken advantage of. I think it is sad because most kids are scared to speak up and tell someone what happened. The kids living on the street chose to run away