Moving schools is definitely a challenge for kids since it means they are forced to leave their comfort zone and find a new one. When I was about 9 years old my parents and I moved from Boise to Meridian. It wasn’t necessarily a big move since we still lived in Idaho, but it meant I had to change schools. It was difficult for me to do that since the old school I had been attending since kindergarten. Moving meant that I would have to leave my 4th grade class in Boise, to join a new one in Meridian. I was excited since it meant I was moving into a new house that was located in a neighborhood that was brand new. The feeling of being somewhere new was weird at first, since it didn’t smell or look like home. We had to unpack all of our things and set up the tv and internet. The typical stuff people do when they first move in. Going to bed in a new room, new house was super strange for me. I felt like I belonged at my old place. Falling asleep on the first night didn’t happen too easy. When I woke up the next day, I had to get ready to go to school. It was my last day there, and I knew I had to make …show more content…
I didn’t like the fact that my parents made us move. Moving meant change. Change was never a good thing for me because it meant I had to leave behind my old life and start a new one. As months went by, I began thinking that I should make the remaining 3 months of school more positive. I started playing tetherball outside. I wasn’t super good at first but by the end of the year I got a lot better. It was obviously a good choice to make since playing tetherball made me not look like a loser standing alone outside. It wasn’t long after until summer came along. I didn’t have to be in that classroom filled with people who didn’t care about me, and I obviously didn’t care much for them either. I was invisible to them, and the thing about being invisible is that no one gives a who about you and you’ve got no one to give a who