The first step is to developing a strong thesis, which will keep my work on point. The thesis portrays the entire point of my essay. It’s will let the reader know if my work is relevant the the type of information they are researching. Without a strong thesis, my point may contain too many ideas or leave out too much description. A good, strong thesis will keep my writing balanced.
Next I need to decide what information supports my point, as the words I use need to show how I arrived at my thesis. By using the right flow of wording, I can keep my …show more content…
In this step, I must check for spelling errors as well as grammar, and sentence variation. I feel like this is one of the most important steps and involves many different things to check. I need to read my work out load and check for any missing commas or sentences that are too long. By reviewing my sentence structure, I can make sure my writing is on point.
In conclusion, I have learned the four steps to use in my writing while in the Bethel program. The first is to develop a thesis. Secondly, I need to find any supporting ideas that strengthens my thesis. Focusing on these first two sets will be crucial in getting the ideas needed in my writing. The third rule is organizing my supporting ideas, followed by checking my writing for any mistakes. It will be important to utilize all of these rules to write correctly and make sure the reader is able to follow my