Reflective Journal on seminars covered between week 5, 6, 8 and 10
7011EHR HRM Strategy
Lecturer: Dr Maree Boyle
Student’s Name:
Student’s Number:
Date of submission: 08. October 2012
Table of content
1. Reflective Journal for week 5: Changing role of HRM in the 21 century 2 1.1. Explain 2 1.2. Expand 2 1.3. Critical Reflection/Analysis 3 2. Reflective Journal for week 6: SHRM in an international context 4 2.1. Explain 5 2.2. Expand 5 2.1. Critical Reflection/Analysis 6 2.2. References 6 3. Reflective Journal for week 8: HR, Ethics and CSR/Sectoral differentiation in SHRM 7 3.1. Explain 7 3.2. Expand 8 3.3. Critical Reflection/Analysis 8 3.4. References 9 4. Reflective Journal for week 10: SHRM & HR Metrics/Analytics 10 4.1. Explain 10 4.2. Expand 11 4.3. Critical Reflection/Analysis 11 4.4. References 12
1. Reflective Journal for week 5: Changing role of HRM in the 21 century
Words: 586 2.1. Explain
There are different ways of organizing and performing roles of Human Resources. In order to create value HR should be structurally aligned with the organizational structure of the company type. Responding to diversified business models and environment in the 21st century, there is a need for HR professionals to undertake 5 different roles and responsibilities: service centers for self-service, corporate HR, embedded HR, centers of expertise, and operational executors. Further HR can undertake the role as a strategy architect, as it is central to effective strategy execution. Making better-quality decisions in today’s dynamic business environment requires critical thinking combined with scientific evidence and business information. Professional decision making is a key aspect of the role as an Evidence-based HR (EBHR) Practitioner. Talent management includes all the HR initiatives to attract, develop, reward, engage and retain talent.
The prescribed reading by
References: Beatty, R. & Huselid, M. & Schneier, C. E. (2003). New HR Metrics: Scoring on the Business Scorecard. Organizational Dynamics, 32(2), 107-121. Lawler, E. & Levenson, A. & Boudreau, J. (2004). HR Metrics and Analytics: Use and Impact. Human Resource Planning, 27(4), 27-35. Pilenzo, R. (2009). A New Paradigm for HR. Organizational Development Journal, 27(3), 63-75. Ulrich, D. & Smallwood, N. (2005). HR’s new ROI: Return on Intangibles. Human Resource Management, 44(2), 137-142.