In the last two years I have had two major transitions, the first was when I transferred from industry into lecturing, finding myself in a college on the one side of the desk. The second was then being enrolled as a student and discovering myself on the other side of the desk. Both steps have taken me very much away from my comfort zone of getting production lines to work, to all the way back to my university days staring at a blank page trying to get my brain to work.
The first session of the CIT course has gone very quickly with a surprising amount of material covered leaving me with a lot to take on board.
Watching someone teach seemed to be a good place to begin, our first opportunity was to watch a video of a Vocational lesson taking place with level 2 and level 3 students, a similar setup to my Engineering TFS class. Reflecting on this lesson, some of the strategies I could take from it were the way the lesson was structured with clear instructions at the start, a variety of activities, using the more experienced students to help the first year students, motivating them and consolidating what they have learned.
Peer observation was a good opportunity to see how an experienced teacher within my own college and subject structured their lesson and the techniques they used, it also made me appreciate how difficult it is to formally reflect on someone else’s teaching.
The Gardner’s theory of various learning styles of visual, kinaesthetic and auditory showed me that not all activities are going to work for all students, hence the need for variety with in the lesson to stimulate the learner.
The introduction to the LLUK and the Domain A professional values and practice was probably the biggest step in the course, where you are asked to plan the learning by creating schemes of work and detailed lesson plans. “Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail”. This was then broken down further in the Domain D where the individual needs