I used the internet to research all areas of planning and enabling learning in unit 2, as I felt it offered depth and detail, as well as convenience. However, I also referred to Planning and Enabling Learning in LLLS by Ann Gravells & Susan Simpson, as well as Geoff Petty Teaching Today - A Practical Guide.
As a result of my research I am now able to recognise and define the process Initial Assessment and the connection it bears with negotiating with learners, as well as agreeing goals and actions. During the course of my research I have gained an awareness and depth of knowledge into the significance of Inclusive learning; I can now confidently adapt session plans, and delivery methods to suit individual learners and their unique learning styles to help ensure success in learning. Research suggests the integration of functional skills into our teaching further enriches learners, and so as a result of this study I am now aware of how and when to embed functional skills into my teachings in order to accommodate the necessity of acquiring and maintaining a level of standard when demonstrating these skills . Finally conducting this research has enabled me to acquire a greater understanding into the process of communication, and various methods of communication that can be utilised during the delivery of a lesson to ensure information given is clear and understood.
I conducted my research using predominantly the internet due to the vast amount of information that is available. My rationale for using this method of research was one of convenience and time management. Although information can be accessed immediately I soon discovered the amount of information was so vast, and not always relevant. Consequently, I did on occasion find myself going through reams and reams of information before finding exactly what I was are looking for, this in which case can be extremely distracting. In this