Module 301.
Values was the one of the opening discussions on our first module of training. We had to explore and think about our true values on how it affects us as the person we are. Being honest, non-assuming, empathetic, inclusive, caring equality amongst many things I felt was my under lying values. I was very surprised to learn how these values reflected in my working practice, for example being inclusive, give people a chance to listen and speak and treating everyone from different cultures equally. Giving everyone the same value as respect in different ways as everyone isn’t the same. I felt this was a very important part to begin with and understand who you are and what you are so that I am able to identify how my values actually play out in my practice, it encouraged me to reason and my look deeper into why I actually do certain things in my own everyday practical skills.
Whilst working through aims and learning outcomes I asked myself what I want to achieve, my destination and thought about my learners, the goals I set for learners in order to achieve their destination. The SMART model was something I didn’t know I already use in my daily practice in many different ways such as being specific, realistic and achievable but felt I need to add the elements of measuring and have a specific time in which they need to be completed. I need to work more on verbs for learning outcomes.
The short teach was a very scary situation at first but after planning and delivering it made me feel that this is something I already do with my learners so the only thing worrying me at the time was getting comfortable with the group and I sailed through the teach. The important things were planning, being focused, clear and concise on the aims and objectives was very important to achieve the desired outcome. I felt that I spoke with confidence and excitement which helped engage the listener to more because I was teaching with passion. I already do this