The first experiment of this lab was to observe how a pencil looks in a glass …show more content…
When looking at the surface of the water from different angles, I was able to see a magnified penny as well as multiple pennies. This is once again due to the reflection and reflection of light. The bottom penny is reflected up by the light above, while the two additional pennies I viewed were due to refraction on the sides of the glass. This is due to the light entering the different mediums and slowing down. The angle of the ray when transmitted through the materials changes and also depends on the speed of light with the materials, in this case those materials are water and …show more content…
This occurred through a controlled experiment, where the magnitude of light, amount of water, and the distance of the glass to the light were kept constant. The size of the glass used was the variable in this experiment. I collected data on the glasses so I could later make a conclusion. The data I collected was the diameter of each glass and the distance from the center of the glass to the focal point of light. This focal point of light was form by the refraction of light through the glass and water. It takes a larger distance to occur for larger glasses. This is because for larger glass the light is within the medium for a longer period of time. It needs this time to be able to bend the light toward the normal line. When this occurs, the light exits the glass and then picks up speed while it is angled inward. This creates rays of light that look like a triangle and end in a point, which is the focal point. This process due to refraction has a common result, which is that the diameter of the glass is close to or equal to the distance from the center that the light takes to reach the focal