1.California department of regulation I am a barber looking to start my own business and I am curious to what I have to do to complete this process
This will affect me because In California Anyone who provides the following services to consumers for a fee must be licensed by the Board: Hairdressing and styling, haircutting, shaving, manicuring, removing unwanted hair, skin care, and the application of cosmetics. In order to be licensed, individuals must complete an approved number of hours of coursework and practical training, and pass a written and practical (hands-on) test.
Describe the proposal/change. (10 points)
2.The proposal decresses the fee registration because the Men’s Groom Shop is considered an upscale full-service barber shop
Write the public comment that you would submit to this proposal. If the proposed regulation deadline has already passed, write the comment you would have submitted. Explain briefly what you wish to accomplish with your comment. (10 points)
3.The Men’s Groom Shop is an upscale old-world gentleman’s barber shop that offers today’s progressive gentlemen a haven where he can sit back, relax and experience the “World Class” art of grooming and services in a gentlemen’s atmosphere, which is masculine and therapeutic.
Provide the "deadline" by which the public comment must be