Not following army regulations while in the army can have a great effect on your life. It can get you in trouble not only with civilian law, but it can also get you in trouble with military law. For example if you are in the military and
Why it is important to Obey Military Rules and Regulation
Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Recruits are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right from day-one of boot camp. Which is why we work so well by following orders from the more experienced leaders who have been doing this for years. We have plenty of obedience in Charlie company and I feel it is one of the best units I have been in. It has made me want to persue a carreer in the military and I no rules and regulations is what is going to make me move up the ranks and make me a all around better soldier. I no I need to work on discapile sometimes and am doing corrective training right now to make me become a better sodier. So in my essay I have listed many chararistics which in the history and present day made