Christ has died and left the Holy Spirit to dwell among us as a paraclete (a comforter and helper). The Holy Spirit is what guides Christians to a better spiritual connection with Christ. In the past during the biblical time, the sacrifices of a lamb were in use. Christ came and became the lamb for all Christians. In doing that action of love, he left with us the Holy Spirit to help us in our daily lives. As an individual through this article, I have learned more about the Holy Spirit and the role that it played among us. As stated in the article pg. “ The paraclete teaches believers by informing and inspiring teachers in the Christian community.” In the article I have concluded about why the Holy Spirit came and what is the mission for being here with humanity. I have learned that the mission of the Holy Spirit is to
To Finalize, In the article Greater than our hearts”( 1 John 3:20) The Spirit in the Gospel of John, has provided enrichment on the Holy Spirit giving history and details. The Holy Spirit has helped people who are of Christian faith walk with