I think it is alright to lie sometimes because what if someone is trying to kill someone you can save their life by saying a little lie.I would tell a lie to save or protect someone from getting harmed or even killed. But some people think it is alright to lie about almost everything and that is one thing I do not agree two Some people think if they say a lie right now it won't hurt no one and they do not think about anyone …show more content…
say your friend did something bad and some random people are looking for him. And those random strangers want to beat him up and they go up to you and ask you if you have seen him or know where
he is at would you tell a lie to save your friend.To me that is not a bad lie it is a good one and
can save a person's life.
In the article “rejecting all lies” by Sissela Bok state’s that people should never lie no matter what situation it is.I disagree with Sissela Bok because she basically said that people should never tell a lie.I think that Sissela Bok is wrong because she wouldn't lie to save someone's life.Sissela defines all lies as an untruthful declaration to all people.I think that is not what all the lies mean.
I still agree that some lies are good in some life or death situations.well I already said why some lies are good and cannot hurt no anyone. But they can save a person's life I would tell a lie to save someone's life.I still think that lying is not bad and it is good.And this is why I think that some of the lies you say or other people say are