How work Assailment #2
1Describe 5 differences between Thravada and Mahayana Buddhism?
1 Each Person is an individual.
1Each Person is involved with fellow human beings. 2Each person must seek Nirvana
2Each person can attain Nirvana though
without assistance.
3The most commendable human
3The most commendable human quality is
quality is wisdom (Bodhi).
compassion (karuna).
4 Metaphysics is avoided .
4Metaphusics is elaborated.
5The ideal is the Arhat.( one who has
5 The ideal is the Bodhisattva.
broken the wheel of rebirth).
2 Briefly ( but thoroughly ) describe characteristics of Jodo,Zen, Shingon, Tendai,
and Nichiren Buddhism.
Jodo: is called The Pure Land Sect ( Ching – T’ U, Jodo) : This from is extremely popular and sounds far more ‘’ religious’’ than some other forms of
Buddhism. Followers believe in a Paradise , the Pure Land of theWest or the
Land of Bliss, ruled over by Amida ( Amitabha ) Buddha , one of the Dhyani
Buddhas (other rulers rule over other paradises ),;the emphasis is on faith in ( and prayer to ) Amida Buddha , who will lead his followers to the Pure Land of the West . Priests can ,arry and have children ; in structure ( not in content) Jodo is somewhat similar to many American Protestant chuches.
Zen : Is called Intuitive Sets ( Ch’an, Zen ) representative of the strongly meditative element in Buddhism . They believe that enlightenment is nonrational
, but that it comes through flashes of insight ( called satori in Zen). To discourage the use of mentality to grasp the ultimate, they ask koans , riddles with not rational answer . They believe , too in the “ beautiful accident “ or “controlled accident” which is better than something rationally planned . The Japanese tea ceremony is Zenbased , as is the Japanese concept of beauty in architecture and art.
Shingon: : The name of this school is Shingon (Chinese: