The first story “Without Title” has to do with the relationship of the little girl and her dad. Her dad is forced to move from his regular post from hunting all day to just going to work each and everyday .The little girl notices that her dad is trying his best to hold on to his culture.This relationship taught her to hold on to her roots.You can tell that this relationship defined her as a girl who knows where she came from .She will become a women who knows …show more content…
This story the relationship is the same but different.This relationship has to do with a man and a magic goldfish.The man had a rough childhood and only allows a limited amount of people to talk to him . A magic goldfish is his only friend this goldfish works like a genie he only gets three wishes and he used two of them already on a bo with cancer and for his mom.The man accidentally kills someone ,so he has to choose from saving the person he killed and giving up his best friend or go to person for the rest of his life.The fish wants him to use the wish because he want to be free but also he knows that the man is that kind of person.This defines him as a person who cares for other people who is willing to give up his best and only friend.The person he will become no doubt lonely but a nicer person for it.One time I had just enought money to buy new cleas for football but I had droped something she had make for her mom and she said I didnt have to pay for it but I knew that I should give up my money for my cleats to pay for the thing I