In order to promote harmony Morality dictates our actions, beliefs and behaviours it separates what we commonly call the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’. But we should not have it confused it with the law’s of what's ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ because they are not one and the same thing.To quote the “Random House Websters College Dictionary”: Absolutism is any theroy holding that values, principels, ect., are absolute and not relative, dependant, or changeable. In The Meanings of Absolute on page (78) It went into detail about so called laws of a scientific nature are still only probable rather than being the absolute truth.
The meaning and application on absolute versus relativism refers to “perfect in quality;complete; but not limited by restrictions or exceptions; they should not be doubted or questioned.Relativism in its extreme form makes no sense. While i do agree with the book about how it is important to allow for cultural individualism I should only be relevant to the time in which the culture is relevant and practical.The extreme variations in manners and taboos from culture to coultre are always changing because of the cultural environments. Absolutism can fall into a category that makes them too general to be of any ones use specifically when one looks at the bible verses on the ten commandments. Thou shalt not steal. We all know that stealing can lead to imprisonment but there are times when it is morally acceptable to steal.When one needs food for a family or maybe if the item was stolen from you would it be right for you to steal it back. Do two right make a wrong in this instance or are you in the wrong.
Let me begin with the fact that you talked on how americans view abortion. you stated once in the class about how the asian women drowned her baby in the rice field because of the fact that they are to only have one child per family so not to further reduce the food surplus in the nation. In america it is called abortion