Antiques, historical sites, quaint customs are all part of the history, and so is the tradition of kings and queens. Preserving it is an essential way to connect with the past. The king or queen represents a historical authority, who serve nation in history. The king or queen represents and upholds the history, tradition, culture of the country. They are the living history of the country.
There is no need to elect a new person for a new term, in short, elected government comes and goes, whereas the king or queen remains in power. This continuity makes for stable regime. In addition, there will not be heavy amounts of expenditures for an election. A monarch will not have lust for money or misuse their authority, which is minimising chance of corruption. Political stability is essential to solve long-term issues. The primary issue of one political party may be a secondary issue to others. If the party fails in the next election, the long term project may not succeed. But a Monarchical government does not have this problem as a Monarch reigns for life. Thus monarchy gives continuity over a long period of time.
There are benefits from keeping the head of state out of party politics – the crown is above the temporary squabble of the political parties. A monarch gives us some chance of being represented by a politically neutral figure. A President or Prime Minister represents a minority group or political party, whereas a Monarch represents a whole society or nation. Until