Religious Traditions
Ailini Z. Misiluki
Religion 133
May.2, 2013
Mr. Matt Versdahl
This brief essay defines religion in the simplest form to assist the author with a better interpretation. Topics covered outlined includes characteristics of religion as well personal interpretations of combining all outlined topics to religion. Critical issues pertaining to the finding of first century archeologists and other sciences along with practices and rituals performed by different religions.
Defining Religion
As defined by Paul Tillich, “religion is the substance of culture, and culture the form of religion” (Molloy, 2010, p13). In this case, religion for many people is catered to their own cultural practices and beliefs. The word religion comes from a Latin word meaning to reconnect or join again. “Traditional dictionary defines religion to be a system of belief that involves worship of a God or gods, prayer, ritual, and a moral code”. As viewed in our time, many religions have similar teachings, rituals, traditions and practices. Some religions believe there is a superior being which rules the universe. Others believe in multiple divine powers watching over us.
A few characteristics that are commonly accepted as religions include a belief system comprised in a worldview. Another characteristic involves a community of people sharing a particular belief system and exercising their beliefs in a group environment. Other religions exercise their beliefs by telling central myths which includes inspirational encouragement, triumphs, sacrifices that are central to their own beliefs. Ritual ceremonies are also commonly practiced. Ethics within a religion is also established providing rules or guidelines in which the people must obey. Take for instance, the Ten Commandments that’s was first introduced to the Israelites by Moses from God. This also includes emotional experiences transforming lives into a