This handout describes how to set up CAEN on your personal computer so that you can use the Eclipse
IDE to develop code remotely on CAEN via ssh. As always, we highly recommend developing on CAEN, either in the labs or remotely, as a very large percentage of student errors in previous terms have been a result of incompatibilities between platforms.
Note that staff will prioritize helping students with algorithmic questions above those with questions on Eclipse during office hours.
At the end of this handout, you will be able to develop in an environment that looks something like this:
Where you can edit your code with all of the normal IDE features, have the code outline to the right, your remote directory structure to the left, and an active set of terminals at the bottom. Most (but not all) of Eclipses features will work remotely (the debugger is among those that do not without additional remote-side support, but GDB via the terminal works as a fine alternative).
Step 1) Go to
Version 1/25/13
Step 2) Download “Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers”, either 32 or 64 bit depending on your OS.
Step 3) Extract the ‘eclipse’ folder and make any shortcuts you would like. This folder is the installation directory, so if you want to move it to ‘Program Files’ on Windows or someplace equivalent on
Mac/Linux, you have to do that manually.
Step 4) Start Eclipse, create a ‘workspace’ (this is where your local projects/code gets saved) and hit
Step 5) Click the open workspace button:
Step 6) In the menus at the top, go to Help->Check for Updates, and install any available updates.
Step 7) In the menus at the top, go to Help->Install New Software
Step 8) In the drop down menu at the top ‘Work with’, select ‘--All Available Sites--‘
Step 9) In the search bar, type ‘Remote System Explorer’
Step 10) Select the two items under ‘General Purpose Tools’ when it finishes searching.
Steps 8-10 should