Mark Protestant countries with a P and Catholic countries with a C.
Mark absolute monarchies with an A and parliamentary governments with a P.
Where were most Catholic countries located?
Where were most Protestant nations?
Is there any apparent connection between religious preference and the existence of absolute monarchy? Can you offer an explanation?
1. What change did Philippe Aries describe in his work Centuries in Childhood?
2. Why MIGHT it have occurred? Cite 2 reasons (p. 369)
The First Big Changes: Culture and Commerce. 1450-1650
A New Spirit.
3. How did Petrarch’s writing in the early Renaissance differ from most writing from the Middle Ages?
The Italian Renaissance.
4. The word “Renaissance” means “rebirth” and describes Europe, esp. Western Europe, from 1300 into the 17th and 18th centuries. Why did Western Europe need to be reborn? (HINT: The Roman Empire fell in 476 CE)
5. What lost some importance during the Renaissance?
6. What common influence did Machiavelli share with artists like da Vinci and Michelangelo?
7. Given your answer above, why does it make sense that the Renaissance began in Italy? (Keep in mind that it also began there because Italy was a major trading center with the Arab world and Eastern Europe following the Crusades.)
8. Define “Humanism” –
9. The Black Death killed about 1/3 of Europe’s population, more in some areas, during the 14th and 15th centuries. How could the plague have led to humanism?
10. What did the Italian city-state (ex. Venice & Genoa) leaders base their right to rule on that shares a commonality with contemporary U.S. politicians?
The Renaissance Moves Northward.
11. How did new trade routes and the Americas cause the Renaissance to decline in Italy?
12. What did Northern humanists have in common with Thomas Aquinas?
13. What role did trade play in encouraging art?
14. Who was least