SC 245 L
Point Break down: 100 points
Questions: 60 points
Data/Results: 15 points
Summarizing activities: 25 points
Introduction: In this lab we will learn how the kidney processes blood and produces urine.
Activity 1: Investigating the Effect of Flow Tube Radius on Glomerular filtration.
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. What effect does increasing the afferent radius have on glomerular filtration rate and pressure?
2. What effect will decreasing the efferent radius have on glomerular filtration rate?
In this Activity, I learned/observed that: Please …show more content…
write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.
Activity 2: Studying the Effect of Pressure on Glomerular Filtration
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. What effect does increasing the beak pressure have on glomerular filtration rate and pressure?
2. In the absence of any regulatory mechanisms, what effect do you think an increase in blood pressure would have on glomerular filtration rate?
In this Activity, I learned/observed that: Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.
Activity 3: Exploring Intrinsic Controls: Renal Autoregulation
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. In the body, what mechanisms play a role in maintaining glomerular filtration rate with fluctuating blood pressure?
2. What was the glomerular filtration rate at 80mmHg beaker pressure, 0.55 mm afferent radius, and 0.45 mm efferent radius?
In this Activity, I learned/observed that: Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.
Activity 4: Exploring the role of the Solute Gradient on Maximum Urine Concentration Achievable
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. When you increase the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid, what happened to the concentration of the urine?
Does the volume of urine increase or decrease as the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid is increased?
3. What is the maximum osmolality of the interstitial fluid?
4. What factors result in dilute urine?
In this Activity, I learned/observed that: Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.
Activity 5: Studying the Effects of Glucose Carrier Proteins on Glucose Reabsorption
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. Why would we expect to find glucose in the urine of a diabetic person?
2. What happens to the concentration of glucose in the urine as the number of glucose carriers increased?
3. What is the renal threshold of glucose? Please explain why this is important.
In this Activity, I learned/observed that: Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.
Activity 6: Testing the Effect of Hormones on Urine Formation
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. How does Aldosterone and ADH affect urine
2. If you are dehydrated, what hormones are stimulated? Explain the physiology behind the hormones being stimulated (blood volume or blood pressure) and refer to your text if necessary.
3. Why did the concentration of potassium change in the presence of ADH without a change in the excretion of potassium?
4. There are two forms of diabetes insipidus. Please discuss both (one that affects the posterior pituitary and the other effects the kidney). What type of urine is produced? How are the forms of Diabetes insipidus treated?
In this Activity, I learned/observed that: Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.