Cited: Boyer, Carl B., 1985, A History of Mathematics, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Courant, R. and Robbins, H. "Remarks on Analytic Geometry." §2.3 in What Is Mathematics?: An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods, 2nd ed. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, pp. 72-77, 1996. Descartes, Rene Descartes, René, and Joseph McCabe. Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences. Girard, Kan.: Haldeman-Julius Pub., 1941. Print. Rene Descartes. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. <>. "Rene Descartes (1595- 1650)." Http:// Web. 17 Mar. 2011. Rudolph, Martin. "Analytic Geometry." EZ-101 Calculus. Hauppauge: Barron 's Educations Series, 2002. 23. Print. Smith, Kurt. "Descartes ' Life and Works." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Discourse on Method.” SparkNotes LLC. n.d.. Web. 15 Mar. 2011. Web. SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Meditations on First Philosophy.” SparkNotes LLC. n.d.. Web. 15 Mar. 2011 SparkNotes Editors Wozniak, Robert H. "Rene Descartes and the Legacy of Mind/Body Dualism." Serendip. Bryn Mawr College, 2 Dec. 20023. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.
Cited: Boyer, Carl B., 1985, A History of Mathematics, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Courant, R. and Robbins, H. "Remarks on Analytic Geometry." §2.3 in What Is Mathematics?: An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods, 2nd ed. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, pp. 72-77, 1996. Descartes, Rene Descartes, René, and Joseph McCabe. Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences. Girard, Kan.: Haldeman-Julius Pub., 1941. Print. Rene Descartes. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. <>. "Rene Descartes (1595- 1650)." Http:// Web. 17 Mar. 2011. Rudolph, Martin. "Analytic Geometry." EZ-101 Calculus. Hauppauge: Barron 's Educations Series, 2002. 23. Print. Smith, Kurt. "Descartes ' Life and Works." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Discourse on Method.” SparkNotes LLC. n.d.. Web. 15 Mar. 2011. Web. SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Meditations on First Philosophy.” SparkNotes LLC. n.d.. Web. 15 Mar. 2011 SparkNotes Editors Wozniak, Robert H. "Rene Descartes and the Legacy of Mind/Body Dualism." Serendip. Bryn Mawr College, 2 Dec. 20023. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.