A report on Field attachment/internship at Ministry of Local Government kampala Field attachment period; 4thJune – 4th August 2013. By NAKATUDDE RITA 10/U/12869/EVE
Field attachment report submitted to the college of Business and Management Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Development Economics of Makerere University Kampala.
STUDENT’S Sign:………………………………... DATE………......... Name: BUHOORA FREEDOM
University supervisor: Sign:……………………………….. Name: Mr. KATAMBA ANTHONY DATE……………..
Field supervisor: Sign:………………………………. Name:Mr.MUSOKEANDREW DATE……………..
I Buhoora Freedom hereby declare that this is my Original work and it has never been submitted to any University or any Institution for award of any Degree or other related Awards.
Signature: ………………………………… BUHOORA FREEDOM.
DATE: ………………………………………
This is to certify that this report compiled by BUHOORA FREEDOM at The Ministry of Local Government has been done under my supervision and is now ready for submission.
Signature ……………………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………………………………………………
I would like to acknowledge my Uncle Mr. Bagora Alex, my Aunt Mrs. Kobuyonjo Mable for all their wisdom, support and encouragement during this process so as to help me reach my goal. A special thank you to the Commissioner Policy and Planning Mr. Andrew Musoke and for all their guidance and Assistance rendered to and for helping me to reach my goals.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my