Contents Sugar Mill 1 Raw Sugar Manufacturing Process 1 Extraction 1 Cane Handling 1 Auxiliary Parts of the Cane Handling Station 2 MILL STATION (EXTRACTION) 4 Auxiliary parts of the Mill Station 4 Clarification and Purification of Juice 7 Equipment Used 7 EVAPORATION 8 Equipment Used 9 Crystallization or Pan Boiling 9 OPERATION 10 EQUIPMENT USED 12 Centrifugation / Purging 13 EQUIPMENT USED 13 REFINERY 14 Affination 14 Purification 15 Sugar house 15 Vacuum pans 15 Sugar drying and storage 15 BOILER 16 PURPOSE OF A BOILER 16 TYPES OF BOILER 16 Water tube boiler 16 Fire tube boiler 16 THREE BASIC ELEMENTS OF A BOILER 17 ESSENTIAL POSITIONS IN A BOILER STATION 17 FOREMAN 17 BOILER CONTROL PANEL OPERATOR 17 BOILER WATER TENDER 17 FIREMAN 17 ASHMAN 17 UTILITY PERSONNEL 17 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 17 FEEDWATER 18 CHEMICALS USED 18 BOILER WATER TREATMENT CONTROL PARAMETERS 18 CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS 19 ADJUSTMENT OF CHEMICAL DOSAGES 19 PUMPS USED 20 Deaerator 21 Day Tank 21 FEED WATER FLOW AND DISTRIBUTION 22 BAGASSE CONVEYORS 23 Bagasse Elevator 23 Main Bagasse Conveyor 23 Surplus Bagasse Conveyor 23 Return Bagasse Elevator 24 Travelling Bagasse Conveyor 24 BAGASSE DISTRIBUTION 25 DIAGRAM 25 AIR SUPPLY 25 FANS AND BLOWERS 26 BOILER OPERATION 27 FIRING 27 OPERATION 27 SHUTDOWN 27 BOILER PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 28 Furnace 28 Economizer 28 Steam Drum 28 Mud Drum 28 Superheater Tubes 29 BOILER OUTPUTS AND BY PRODUCTS 29 STEAM FLOW 29 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 29 ASH, DUST AND FLUE GAS 30 ASHCONVEYORS 30 BOILER FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES 31 Other Departments 32 Gantry 32 Power House 32 Pump House 32 THE SUGAR MILLING OPERATIONS 33 INDUSTRY CODE OF PRACTICE 33 PART 1. INTRODUCTION 33 This code shall operate from 1 September 1999 and expire on 1 September 2004 34 PART 2.
References: * Gary, J.H. and Handwerk, G.E. (1984). Petroleum Refining Technology and Economics (2nd Edition ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc.ISBN [[Special:BookSources/0-8247-html Refinery flowchart] from Universal Oil Products ' website|0-8247-html Refinery flowchart] from Universal Oil Products ' website]]. * An example flowchart of fractions from crude oil at a refinery * Watson, Andrew. Agricultural innovation in the early Islamic world. Cambridge University Press. p.26–7. * Sharpe, Peter (1998). Sugar Cane: Past and Present. Illinois: Southern Illinois University. * "Crop production". Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Retrieved 2010-06-17 * http://www.life.illinois.edu/govindjee/paper/gov.html#58