a. Code screen
b. App Screen
2. App Inventor exercise based on the MoleMash tutorial exercise
a. Code Screen
b. App Screen
3. Investigation of "Android API level"
(Describe the relationship of "Android API level" to "Android Platform Version" in up to 300 words. State the most recent of each.)
Now the smart phone is very popular in the world, but the operating system of the smartphone is changer over the time, now we have a several operating system popular is : Android, IOS, Blackberry, Symbian, windowns phone ….
( resource : http://www.idc.com/prodserv/smartphone-os-market-share.jsp )
Base on the Global smartphone market share we can see Android is the most popular Operating system now and grow up day by day
Android Plaform was launched in 2007 by the Open Handset Alliance, that is a platform for mobile devices, most application that run on the Android platform are written in the Java Language. Android is open development platform, this platform was released to the public to everyone care about this can take the code and modify it to make it fit
( Resource : https://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html )
This is the version of Android platform include Version, Codename, API and the distribution of this version. Each version go with different API level and we can see the most popular version of Android platform is Jelly Bean and KitKat
When the new version of Android platform released, some style and behaviors may change, to allow your app take the advantage of this version, when create the application we must select the minSDK version and tagetSDKversion to ensure that app it fit with the style of each user’s device, we should set the tagetSDKversion value to match the lastest Android version available
We can see the version of the app in AndroidManifest.xml on manifests folder
Base on this chart we should select the every version which has the most popular use to fit with a lot of