1. Chelation is a process by which a chemical substance is utilized by doctors, to bind with metallic molecules or minerals and therefore aid in their removal from the body. Chelation is widely used to expel excess or toxic substances metals from the body before they can cause any damage to the body. Chelation Therapy works on the principle that when a complex amino acid called Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), comes into contact with various positively charged heavy metals such as zinc, copper, magnesium, iron and calcium; it clings to the metal ions and forms a stable ring like structure. This compound is expelled through the body as an excretory product by the kidneys, through urination
2. Coronary heart diseases like atherosclerosis are a result of calcium/ mineral deposits inside the arteries, which leads to the hardening of the arteries. This hinders blood flow and can be very dangerous. Because EDTA can minimize the amount of calcium in the blood, some practitioners believe that Chelation Therapy may help unclog the arteries and cause the plaque to disintegrate.
2. Free Radical + Metallic Ion Cellular Damage
Molecules which contain unpaired electrons are termed as Free Radicals. Oxidation is the most significant source of free radicals, but other factors also contribute to their production. Oxidation occurs when a molecule or compound combines with oxygen and loses electrons. This process takes place along with the normal activities of the body's metabolism. When an electron is lost from a molecule it becomes a free radical. As an attempt to achieve stability once again, the atom takes an electron from its closest, stable, molecule (atom), making that atom unstable. Following this, a series of chain reactions start. Another source of free radicals are environmental toxins which include external radiations and pollution, cigarette smoke, and certain chemicals. Normally the human body is able to dispose of or