7B Reproduction
About the Unit
This Unit covers human reproduction and development.
The Unit starts with an overview of what reproduction is and considers different modes of reproduction in animals. Human reproductive organs are then covered, along with adaptations of sex cells. This is followed by a look at sexual intercourse, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and birth. The Unit ends with puberty and adolescence, a stage which many pupils will be going through or just about to start. Some teachers may wish to teach these topics in a different order from the one in the Pupils' Book to link with the school's PSHE policy. The combination of single and double page spreads and the segmentation of this Unit into the topics listed below allow flexibility of teaching order to accommodate individual schools' requirements.
Options for further study within this unit are based on the questions that teachers are most commonly asked by pupils. These include IVF treatment, Siamese twins, acne, cervical cancer and smear testing, contraception and STDs, developmental milestones in babies and in-vitro fertilisation.
Much of the way this Unit is taught will depend on individual schools' PSHE policies.
There is also much in the way of suggested discussion material which will need to be handled with sensitivity and tact.
There is a fair amount of material in topic 7Be and teachers may wish to look through the materials provided for this unit and allot more time to the teaching of this topic than some of the others.
• Topic 7Ba covers reproduction in animals, including an introduction to some of the most important words met in the rest of the Unit. • Topic 7Bb deals with the names, locations and functions of the human reproductive organs, and the adaptations of the sex cells. Extension work is provided on cervical cancer. • Topic 7Bc covers sexual intercourse. Extension work is provided on IVF, contraception and STDs. • Topic 7Bd deals