Let me start by saying the object of the Republicans in 2013 is reform, or a reform of a reform. We are aiming to right what we believe are the wrongs of the Democrats and fix things in dire need of repair/revamping.
We will start with the subject of job creation. With the uncertainty of the unemployment rate, we should focus on job creation. To promote job creation in our present day economy, we plan to make serious cuts in government spending. This will help to divert money into programs that could create jobs. We will also globally advertise American products. The Republicans will strive to ensure that other countries will want U.S. products, instead of vice versa. This promotes a good economy. Small business will also be boosted under new administration because they help with employment growth.
Balancing the budget will be one of our big priorities. Will help to balance the budget by reforming Medicare to empower millions of Americans to control their own personal healthcare decisions, and a Balanced Budget amendment will be implemented. Taxes will also be fixed for better compromise between Americans and the government. The tax code will be reformed and the corporate tax rate will be decrease. New welfare regulations will have a work requirement, and food stamp regulations will be better targeted.
In a matter of all things healthcare, there will be some major change. Healthcare is an individual responsibility and should be treated as such. Our administration will increase the healthcare choices and options for all, but it will not be required. We will simplify the system for patients and providers and reduce mandates. This will contain costs on multiple levels. Medicare is too big and too flawed to run its current course. The eligibility age will be increased, and Medicare will be changed from a defined benefit program to a defined contribution program. On the subject of Obamacare, our administration will make it is