This report summarizes the activities of Human Rights and Ethics in the oil and gas industry. It highlights related efforts by the IPIECA (International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association) oil and gas member companies. The oil and gas industry operates in some of the most challenging places in the world and faces complex human rights related issues ethical and unethical both at home and abroad. While recognizing that individual governments bear the primary responsibility to promote respect for human rights ethically, all of society, including businesses such as oil and gas plays a role in human rights. CITATION Hum06 \l 1033 (Human rights and Ethics in Oil and Gas industry, 2006)In this research unethical research practices that should be avoided are unethical treatment of any participants, deception and informed consent. Unethical treatment of participants would be not safeguarding the participant’s rights. When data is gathered in an experiment, interview or survey they have rights. Research should be designed that the participants do not suffer any pain, embarrassment or loss of privacy. So a researcher should always follow these guidelines: 1.) Explain the Study 2.) Explain Participants rights and 3.) Obtain informed consent.
The particular party that would face injury in this research case would be the participants in each country the research is being done. In this case, In Nigeria research was being done on the
References: BIBLIOGRAPHY David B Resnik, J. P. (2013). National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. What is Ethics in research & Why is it important. Donald R. Cooper, P. S. (2014). Business Research Methods. New York, NY: McGraw- Hill/Irwin. (2006). Human rights and Ethics in Oil and Gas industry.