Research Analysis
Handong Global University MEC30071 - Marketing Research Presented to: Stephen D. Strombeck
By: Kyu Chul Kim (20700059) June 12, 2011
MEC30071: Research Analysis-Kyu Chul Kim 2
Introduction It takes some amount of time looking through the shelf with dozen of shampoo brands displayed in a supermarket. Some people takes a while picking up several shampoos to compare while others choose their shampoos instantly and go. What are the core-factors people consider when buying a shampoo? Is it the price or ingredients that have to do with a product itself? Or is it the outside factors such as products‟ TV commercials or acquaintance‟s recommendations that makes up the image of a product? This research project was done to explain which factors are more relevant than the other in customer preference for a shampoo for their hygienic purposes. To understand customer preference for a shampoo in general, mentioning of specific brand name was crucial thing to do because respondents would then think through the brand in their head and answer the survey. So, I come up with the brand Head & Shoulder as my research tool. This brand name will work as an anchor that links customer to the customer preference for a shampoo. Questions in the survey dealt with the satisfaction of Head & Shoulder shampoo in terms of its intrinsic factors and extrinsic ones. Intrinsic factors deal with the product itself: its price, bottle design (color, shape, and type), ingredients, and environmental-friendly factor. Extrinsic ones deal with the outside image of the product such as TV commercials and friend‟s recommendations of the product. These are all assumed factors customers would measure when choosing a shampoo. These satisfactory-type of questions would be a good sample or guide for finding out which factors are for customer‟s preference in choosing a shampoo in general (See Pages 11-17 for survey item details & survey