1/ What is the ultimate effect Bowden is seeking to determine?
-The factors that nursing students who consider leaving stay on their courses.
2/ What are the courses that Bowden examines which contribute(in varying degrees) to this ultimate effect?
-The causes that make nursing students who consider leaving: academic issues, placement issues, financial issues, and personal issues
- The causes that make them to stay on their courses: university staff(tutors), peers, family and friends
3/ Based on your answers to question 1 and 2, what would you identify as: a. The dependent variable(s) of Bowden’s research?
-nursing students who consider leaving b. the dependent variable(s) of Bowden’s research? - stay on their courses
4/Based on your answer to question 3, how would you state Bowden’s research question, if she was submitting this article to Dr. Kelly as her class project for Research Methods?
-Bowden’s research question is not a cause and effect question. It is difficult to identify what effect A(independent variable) have on B(dependent variable)
5/ What method(s) of data gathering did Bowden use? Evaluate her choice. How would you have conducted the research differently, if at all?
-Methods: postal questionnaire(mail) and interviews
-Postal questionnaire: 46 of 93 postal questionnaire were returned- a return rate of 49% +I never considered leaving: 48% (n=22) + I occasionally thought about leaving but did not give it serious consideration: 30% (n=14) +I seriously considered leaving on one or more occasion: 22% (n=10)
-The interviewees: 8 respondents seriously considered leaving +they are all White (either British or European) +7 of them are female +6 of them used non-traditional qualification +the age range from 19 to 42 +one of them was married +the two youngest still living at home with their parents
-I would conduct both survey and observation methods. Bowden used only survey methods(mail and