1.1 Research Problem.
It is the pain area for which the researcher needs to find or suggest some solutions. The pain area of my topic, a study on TATA with various product lines.
1.2 Objective of Study.
1. To study whether people like using Tata products.
2. To study whether people are influenced by brand image.
3. To study whether people would like to continue using Tata products.
1.3 Scope of Study
The researcher has made an attempt to collect data which is representative of south mumbai. this scope of study was taken due logistical problems and also Mumbai is a miniature of Maharastra. All attempts were made to collect the datafrom different parts of mumbai. Thus the results of mumbai can be used for further studies with repect to maharastra and India. Also one more reason why this area under research was heterogenous in nature where all class people could be easily contacted. The research was done amongst all the consumers using Tata products.
1.4 Hypothesis Formulation
The primary objectives which are considered by researcher the corresponding hypothesis co-relating to these objectives are as follows:
H1: There is a relationship between usage and Tata products.
H0: There is no relationship between usage and Tata products.
H1: There is relationship between influence by brand image for buying products or no.
H0: There is no relationship between influence by brand image for buying products or no.
H1: There is a relationship between continuing or changing Tata products.
H0: There is no relationship between continuing or changing Tata products.
1.5 Data Collection
1.5.1 Primary Data
Primary Data are those data which are collected for the first time (first hand information). A structured questionnaire was built in correlation with the objective of research and hypothesis. Thus, data using structured questionnaire was collected from different consumers having different types of products by Tata depending upon the price,