I. Methods
What kind of method of this research do you use? (Quantitative or Qualitative?)
Explain the reasons why you use quantitative method.
What do you want to find out through this method?
Quantitative Research Method:
When you think of quantitative methods, you will probably have specific things in mind. You will probably be thinking of statistics, numbers, etc…
Quantitative research is essentially about collecting numerical data to explain a particular phenomenon, particular questions seem immediately suited to being answered using quantitative methods.
Use of mathematically based methods, in particular statistics, to analyze the data.
“To find out customer’s feedback on the promotion strategies of A Company, the researchers examined the phenomenon through statistical analysis. The method of this research is quantitative. First, A is a product and service company, so that the promotion strategy of A now is to bring products to as many customers as possible. Therefore, the task is to collect large quantities of people information to do the research and find out the market taste. It is suitable to learn the tastes of the customers as well as their desire in the innovation and product development. This research only needs to gather more information and therefore, quantitative method is very helpful to identify the market correctly. Finally, the information collected from questionnaire can be express in chart by the Excel program and it is so convenient to classify and analyze the market.
Along with information from the internet, questionnaires were given out to respondents for the statistical representation of the findings in the study. This survey was carried out in …………with the participation of……people.” 1. Data collection: how to collect the data?
The group authors administrated the questionnaires directly and separately to each of the person, and we were there to explain anything that was not clear to the customers.