"A concussion is a bruise to the brain caused by a sudden blow to the head....Of all the severe injuries in contact sports, it is one of the most common”(1).
This is relevant to my topic because it explains what a concussion is, and this can help explain why the people need to be more concerned about concussions.
A bruise to the brain is known as a concussion. It is a common injury, but also one of the worst ones. “Studies show, after the first concussion, the athlete is four times more likely to suffer another”(1).
This is relevant to my topic because it really shows had dangerous concussions are …show more content…
‘My head is broken’. You can’t see (A concussion). It’s not visible. Not many people understand”(25).
This is relevant to my topic because it shows what it feels like to have a concussion, based on someone who had a concussion.
Concussions are invisible, few people understand, you feel like your head is broken.
“High school football players report sixty-seven thousand concussions per year. At least 5 percent of all high school athletes suffer concussions each year”(27).
This is relevant to my topic because it shows how common a concussion is and how often the happen. sixty-seven thousand concussions occur in high school each year, 5% of high school athletes suffer concussions each year.
“People with concussions also may find it difficult to perform their daily activities, whether it is going to school or to work. How fast people recover depends on age, state of health, the severity of the injury, and how they take care of themselves after the …show more content…
Doctors have research that people with concussion may have difficulty completing daily everyday tasks. E) Breslow, Jason M. "FRONTLINE." PBS. PBS, 31 Oct. 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.
“High school football players are nearly twice as likely to sustain a concussion as are college players”(1).
This is relevant to my topic because it shows how kids are more likely to get a concussion, because their brains aren’t fully developed.
High school football players have a better chance of getting a concussion than a college player would “There is no evidence that current helmet designs can cut the risk of concussions”(1).
This is relevant to my topic because it shows that even if you might have a great helmet, but it might not be fully protective
Doctors researched that helmets might not reduce the chance of concussions
“In 10 to 20 percent of individuals, however, concussive symptoms persist for a number of weeks, months, or even years”(1).
This is relevant to my topic because it shows that a concussion can affect you even after you had it. Doctors research that 10 to 20 percent of people still have symptoms even after they have been cured from their