
Research Paper On Intersectionality

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Research Paper On Intersectionality
Let’s start with intersection a place where things come together. Now intersectionality refers to the reality that we all have multiple identities that intersect to make us who we are. It also gives us a way to talk about oppression and privileges that overlap and reinforce each other. It is the assumption that people can be understood through intersecting social identities such as race, gender, social class, and sexual behavior/orientation. These aspects of identity are not entirely commonly exclusive entities, but rather reciprocally constructing phenomena the conjecture proposes that we think of each trait of a person as inseparable with all of the other traits in order to fully understand one's identity. Intersectionality holds that the …show more content…
You'd marry the first person who asked because, why should identity matter. Does having sex produce a predictable result? Does hitting a golf ball? No so therefore Intersectionality is a tool used to understand that (not how) that the result of being black and female, is different than the result of being simply a female or being black. The same as being a wealthy man is different than being a wealthy woman or a wealthy black woman (like Oprah goes into a shop in the Netherlands and having a clerk refuse her service assuming she was poor). Gender intersects with race because it’s a group of individuals that have biological traits in common, for instance, people skin color, hair color, and their shapes of facial features. Society puts the relevance on different skin colors. Race is assured that people in certain racial categories share the same personalities. Although they don’t because everybody is created differently with different traits, so considering them the same is impossible. Gender intersects with class because it refers to a group of people who share a similar economic position in society based on their wealth and

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