In this paper I will present my research results regarding Singapore, as well as draw the picture of its marketing environment. I will include the information about the location, climate, population, religion and culture, official spoken languages, state of economy and level of technologies, political and legal systems, level of competition and potential for economic growth. In the conclusion I will highlight advantages and disadvantages of the Singapore marketing environment.
1. Introduction
Singapore is the nation of islands which is situated on the South of Malay Peninsula. Its area is only 704,0 square kilometers, and it is the smallest country in Southeast Asia. Its anthem is Majulah Singapura and motto is called the same and sounds like Onward, Singapore. The capital of Singapore is Singapore city and there are four spoken official languages: Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English. It is Parliamentary republic and the President of Singapore is Sellapan Ramanathan, the Prime Minister- Lee Hsien Loong.
Singapore received the city status on July, 24 1951, became self-government under the rule of UK on June, 3 1959 and was declared independent on August, 31 1963. During the same year it merged with Malaysia, but in two years separated from it. The population of Singapore is about 4,680,600 people and the density of population is 6,369.2 per square kilometer. Total GDP in 2007 was estimated on the level of 161.35 billion of US dollars. Singapore’s currency is Singapore dollar.
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It is a multi-religious country. Singapore is a real attraction to tourists from all over the world, and tourism is one of the largest industries in the country. In 2007 it attracted more than 10 million tourists and government adopts definite laws to attract even more tourists (for instance, legalizing gambling) on the constant basis.
2. Singapore’s Marketing Environment
2.1 Location